Job Seeker Resources

Choosing the Right Resume Template: Chronological vs. Functional

Written by Employment Connection Staff | Mar 15, 2024 6:20:00 PM

An elevator pitch is a concise and compelling summary of who you are, what you do, and what you're looking for professionally. It is called an "elevator pitch" because it should be brief enough to deliver during the time it takes for an elevator ride, typically around 30 seconds to two minutes.

Having an elevator pitch is beneficial for job seekers for several reasons:

  1. First Impressions: In networking events, job fairs, or even casual encounters, you often have only a brief moment to make a strong first impression. An elevator pitch allows you to introduce yourself confidently and leave a positive and memorable impression on the listener.

  2. Networking Opportunities: When networking, whether at formal events or informal gatherings, being able to quickly and clearly communicate who you are and what you're seeking can open doors to potential job opportunities, collaborations, or professional connections.

  3. Job Interviews: An elevator pitch is a valuable tool during job interviews. When interviewers ask, "Tell me about yourself," having a well-prepared pitch allows you to provide a structured and relevant overview of your background, skills, and goals.

  4. Clarity and Focus: Crafting an elevator pitch requires you to distill your professional identity into key points. This process helps you clarify your career goals, strengths, and what makes you unique as a candidate. It also ensures that you stay focused and on-message during conversations about your professional life.

  5. Adaptable to Various Situations: Whether you're at a career fair, a social event, or a formal interview, an elevator pitch can be adapted to suit the context. This flexibility allows you to confidently introduce yourself in different professional settings.

  6. Differentiation: Job seekers often encounter competition, and having a compelling elevator pitch helps you stand out. By emphasizing your unique skills, experiences, and what sets you apart, you increase your chances of being remembered by recruiters or potential employers.

  7. Time-Efficient Communication: In situations where time is limited, such as during networking events, recruiters and professionals appreciate concise and impactful communication. An elevator pitch enables you to communicate essential information quickly and effectively.

  8. Self-Confidence: Crafting and practicing your elevator pitch can boost your self-confidence. Knowing how to articulate your professional story with clarity and conviction makes you feel more prepared and self-assured in various professional interactions.

Overall, an elevator pitch is a valuable tool for job seekers to create a positive and memorable impression, communicate effectively in various professional situations, and differentiate themselves in a competitive job market.

When it comes to crafting your resume, selecting the right template is crucial. Your resume serves as your first impression on potential employers, and it's essential to present your qualifications effectively. Two primary types of resume templates exist: chronological and functional. Each has its own strengths and ideal use cases, depending on your career journey and goals.

Chronological Resume Template:

The chronological resume template is the most traditional format. It emphasizes your work history in reverse chronological order, starting with your most recent position and working backward. This type of resume is best suited for individuals with a stable work history and a clear career progression.

When to Use a Chronological Resume:

  1. Clear Career Path: If you have a consistent work history with progressively responsible roles within the same industry or field, a chronological resume is ideal. It showcases your career trajectory and highlights your advancement.

  2. Traditional Industries: Industries such as finance, law, or academia often prefer chronological resumes. Employers in these fields value a structured presentation of your work experience.

  3. Highlighting Growth: If you want to emphasize your career growth and accomplishments over time, a chronological resume effectively showcases your achievements in a logical order.

Functional Resume Template:

The functional resume template focuses on your skills and qualifications rather than your chronological work history. It allows you to highlight specific abilities, achievements, and experiences relevant to the job you're applying for, regardless of when they occurred.

When to Use a Functional Resume:

  1. Career Gaps or Changes: If you have significant gaps in your work history or are transitioning to a new industry, a functional resume can de-emphasize chronological timelines and emphasize your transferable skills.

  2. Highlighting Skills Over Experience: For recent graduates or individuals with limited work experience, a functional resume allows you to showcase your skills, internships, volunteer work, and educational achievements prominently.

  3. Customizing for Specific Roles: When applying for roles that require specific skill sets, a functional resume enables you to tailor your qualifications directly to the job requirements, making you a more compelling candidate.

Choosing between a chronological and functional resume template depends on your unique circumstances and career objectives. If you have a consistent work history and want to highlight your career progression, a chronological resume is likely the best choice. However, if you're navigating career changes, have gaps in your work history, or want to emphasize your skills over experience, a functional resume offers a more tailored approach. Ultimately, selecting the right template enhances your chances of standing out to potential employers and landing your desired job.

Download an Employment Connection resume template:

Example Resume

Chronological Resume Template

Functional Resume Template